Keithley’s Standard Series 2400 Source Measure Unit (SMU) Instruments offer four-quadrant precision voltage and current source/load coupled with measurement. Each SMU instrument is both a highly stable DC power source and a true instrument-grade 6½-digit multimeter. The power source characteristics include low noise, precision, and readback.
The Keithley 2790 SourceMeter Switch System is a high voltage, multichannel resistance measurement solution that speeds and simplifies electrical checks of airbag inflators and a variety of other automotive electrical test applications.
The 2602B from Keithley is a 2600B series dual channel system SourceMeter® (SMU) instrument (3A DC, 10A pulse). It is an industry’s leading current/voltage source and measure solutions. Please contact us for quotes and real pictures.
The Model 237 Source-Measure Unit (SMU) is a fully programmable instrument, capable of sourcing and measuring voltage or current simultaneously. This system is really four instruments in one: voltage source, current source, voltage measure, and current measure.
The Keithley Model 2401 is a SourceMeter® Multifunction Unit (SMU) (20V, 1A, 20W). The device is designed for test applications where tight coupling of source and measurement is required. It provides precise voltage and current injection and measurement