HP Agilent 8447F Amplifier 0.1-1300MHz

The 8447F is the  8447D Preamplifier and 8447E Power Amplifier combined into a single package. The 8447F is capable of providing gain and power to overcome systematic RF losses, drive high-power devices and improve measurement system performance. The Agilent 8447F can be used to increase low-level sweep speed and increase dynamic range measurements when used with a network analyzer.

HP Agilent 8447F Amplifier 

The 8447F is the 8447D Preamplifier and 8447E Power Amplifier combined into a single package. The 8447F is capable of providing gain and power to overcome systematic RF losses, drive high-power devices and improve measurement system performance. The Agilent 8447F can be used to increase low-level sweep speed and increase dynamic range measurements when used with a network analyzer.

  • ·Reduced systematic power losses for increased dynamic range
  • ·High power drive signals for increased dynamic range
  • ·Increased low-level sweep speed and increased dynamic range measurements in network analyzers


  • ·Frequency Range: 0.1 to 1300MHz
  • ·Mean Gain: 26dB
  • ·Noise Figure < 8.5
  • ·Outup Power 1 dB Gain compression: >7dBm

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