The Hioki RM3544 resistance meter measures temperature and resistance simultaneously and displays the true resistance through its temperature compensation function. The RM3544 has an extremely wide measurement range of 0.001mΩ to 3.5MΩ, which is sufficient for measuring solenoids, chokes, transformers, motors, and many other coil components.
Hioki RM3544 将测量值与用户定义的上限和下限进行比较,然后显示和输出比较结果。
除了使用板载 LED 和音频音调通知用户结果外,还可以通过外部输入/输出端子将结果输出到继电器控制和 PLC 系统,使该仪器成为生产和检查线的理想选择。
The B2985A is an Electrometer/High Resistance Meter not only offers best-in-class measurement performance, but also provide unprecedented features to maximize measurement confidence. The electrometer offers 0.01fA (10⁻¹⁷A) minimum current resolution, which meets virtually all existing and future low-level current measurement needs.
The clamp-on ground test technology offered by the Fluke 1630 simplifies ground loop testing and enables non-intrusive leakage current measurements without interrupting the circuit. Its compact and rugged design makes the Fluke 1630 easy to use in tight spaces and harsh environments. Convenient features such as "display hold" and continuity testing with an audible alarm ensure additional convenience.
The Hioki 3541 AC Milliohm HiTester gives you fast measurement and fast quality determination.